360 Video Reaching New Heights with Cornwall Air Ambulance

We were honoured to do some special VR filming for Cornwall air ambulance a few weeks ago. Capturing the feeling of what being in the helicopter is like through 360 filming and the magic of post-production.

Cornwall Air Ambulance

Cornwall Air Ambulance is a vital emergency service that provides life-saving support. With their state-of-the-art helicopter and highly skilled medical teams, they offer rapid transport and critical care to those in urgent need across the region. It’s an incredible service provided by some amazing people. So we were delighted when they got in touch with us at Soundview.

360 VR Video

One of the surprising things about the Air Ambulance is that it is a charity. They operate 24/7, helping hundreds of people each year. But (thankfully), for most of us, we never get to fully understand their essential work. They contacted us because they knew a 360 VR video was the best way to showcase exactly what they do.

They asked us to make an immersive film which gave an insight into their important missions. And because Soundview wanted to tell their story in the most engaging way possible, we knew the position of the cameras would be key. So we met with them to plan the film and to discuss the logistics of attaching our state-of-the-art 360 cameras to their helicopter. Once planning was completed, and the storyboard in place, we were good to go (weather dependent of course!).

Filming on location and the helicopter

The narrative of the VR video takes you through a mission, from call out to return to base. Filming in the command centre was straightforward. A script and a willing volunteer and it was in the can! Next, we set our camera up outside to capture the helicopter taking off. Now, our 360 cameras have seen some action, attached to drones, in tiger enclosures and underwater with penguins, but never before had they experienced the downdraft of a chopper taking off. So we positioned our kit, ready to accept that it was possibly going to blow over. However, much to our pleasant surprise and excitement the camera stayed upright the whole time! As a result, it meant that we got some dramatic footage of both the helicopter taking off and landing.

And we were lucky enough to have the Air Ambulance technician on hand to reassure us that it was OK to attach the 360 cameras to the helicopter. The first gave a pilot’s point of view and the second captured the paramedics’ experience. Throughout the 360 films, the crew talk you through the mission explaining each stage. They were natural and a joy to film with.

Air Ambulance Experience

The Air Ambulance intends to promote its work using the film at public events. The opportunity for public engagement was at The Royal Cornwall Show where visitors will use Air Ambulance’s VR headset to have this exciting experience. The VR video will not only raise awareness but also hopefully help attract much-needed funds.

Show your support

Supporting Cornwall Air Ambulance through charitable donations is crucial to sustaining this essential service. Any contribution helps maintain their operations, ensuring they can continue to save lives. If you wish to donate please visit their site here.

You can find out more about work here

and learn more about  360 VR video here.

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