The Plymouth History Centre

In our latest Plymouth History Centre video you can see the great progress that's being made. Between April and June, construction continued and the Museum on Tour featured across the city. While these key events happened, Soundview were on hand to video them. And as the project gets closer to its 2020 deadline, and the Mayflower 400 celebrations, Soundview will be there to film each stage.
a screenshot from a progress report of The post war extension at the back of the former central library is being demolished

Plymouth video company Soundview: keeping you up-to-date

We throughly enjoy creating content for The Plymouth History Centre, join us on one of our newest updates as this amazing space gets transformed. What are you most excited to see?

The new building is set to contain material never seen before in The History centre, there are going to be hundreds of different animal species, a huge range of fact filled books, exciting artefacts , oh and a life-size mammoth! It is not everyday Plymouth is set to have something so brand new and expensive! Whilst the construction takes place we are creeping ever so closer to the launch of The Box. The million pound construction is set right in Plymouth’s heart, the City Centre.

This is the latest in a series of videos Soundview have made for the Plymouth History Centre. And its been an exciting few months. From million pound funding to demolition;  Barbican Ropewalks to Beryl Cook exhibitions; Sounds of the Sixties events to polar explorers coming on board, the project has been making great progress. With each step, the creation of a purpose built cultural and historical space gets ever closer. And Soundview are proud to be capturing the highlights.

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