Wanted: People with a passion for making a difference (no experience needed)
If you are interested in sustainability or thinking about how to reach carbon net zero and want to learn more or exchange ideas with like minded folk, then we’d love you to join our growing community.
Net(Work) Zero Plymouth is a lunchtime event held bi-monthly that gives a space to those who are interested in low carbon living to forge new contacts, share tips and tricks and to swap stories.
Our own journey towards net zero started in 2022 when we hosted a climate change intern from The University of Plymouth. The internship helped us to identify, understand and measure our impacts on the environment. We continue to use the practices everyday and we are proud to be sustainable leaders within the Video Production field.
We want to share our experience and encourage others to do the same. Working together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future. You don’t need to be an expert you just need a passion for making a difference. Join us for some informal conversations which focus on our collective journeys toward net zero.
We encourage those attending to bring their own lunch and travel sustainably to the event. Hope to see you soon, for more details about our next event contact.