Beyond the Lens: Crafting Connections for Effective Media Training

We share our insights for forging great connections in media training and how communication plays a vital role in an effective session.

Effective Media Training

Great media training boils down to one thing, effective communication. The way we connect with and engage with others is key. Those moments in front of the media sometimes come out of the blue. Our media training will prepare you, so that no matter when or where, you’ll be ready. From interviews with local press to national broadcasters, media training gives you the tools you need to capitalise on your time in the spotlight, whenever that might be.

How do we help you?

First, we use our journalism skills to get to know you, your story and your business. Through research and conversation, we can quickly get a feel for what your key messages are and how you need to express them. Trust is vital at this stage, listening to what everyone has to say and honestly answering all questions is paramount from the outset.

After our initial research, we create bespoke scenarios. These are designed to create near real-world examples of the kind of questions you might face on any given subject. The saying goes practice makes perfect, so our sessions focus on hands-on mock interviews, putting you in front of the camera. These are then reviewed and we give you feedback, guidance and tips on how to improve.

Our media training will take you out of your comfort zone, for sure, but we ensure it is in a safe and supported environment. We understand how difficult it can be to step in front of the camera and for many it’s an uncomfortable experience.  Rest assured, we’ll always leave you with a smile on your face at the end of the session, knowing that when you do this for real, you’ll have a new found confidence.

Our top tips and takeaways

  • Think about what you’re saying, how you’re saying it and the audience you are addressing. Effective communication is key!
  • Always tell the truth, if you don’t know the answer, don’t bluff.
  • Remember your key messages and practice, practice, practice!
  • Enjoy it, this will make the process more relaxing for you.

Everybody can benefit from great media training, get in touch to find out more now

Check out our social media to see successful previous media training sessions

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