Bring Me Sunshine Webinar | Tourism in the South West in 2021

Want to start off the New Year with some sunshine, then join us for our Bring Me Sunshine tourism webinar in January. Our guest speakers include tourism and marketing experts, who'll be talking about tourism trends in the  South West in 2021. From who's visiting and when, to how to get those all important visitors through your door. 2020 was a challenge for everyone. So for a positive start to 2021, why not sign up to this free event?
an invitation to SoundViews bring me sunshine webinar, stating marketing to new customers in 2021. A webinar for tourism and hospitality businesses. January 14th 2021 from 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. Get your free ticket on eventbrite

Bring Me Sunshine

The event kicks off at 10.00 on January 14th. Guest speakers will cover a range of  topical themes relevant to tourism businesses in 2021. They will be exploring changes to visitor habits as a result of Covid, and how we can adapt to those changes. There’s even a chance to meet like-minded businesses to see how they are preparing for the year ahead. And all of this from the comfort of your office or home.

Tourism leader Robin Barker of Services for Tourism, with dog on beach

Tourism leader Robin Barker, Services for Tourism, joins our guest speakers.

Our very special guests include tourism leader, Robin Barker. As Director of Services for Tourism and organiser of the South West Tourism Excellence Awards, Robin is well placed to talk about who’s likely to be visiting the Westcountry. We will also hear from Louise Midgley, PR and Media Training consultant, on how to reach new audiences, and from Data expert Pete Stevens from Clockwork Marketing, on identifying potential customers. Finally, our Soundview representative Gareth will share his views on inclusive imagery and how to tell a great story about your business.

So, hopefully we will see you at the webinar in January for that bit of 2021 sunshine. And have a great Christmas and New Year in the mean time.

Take a look at find out more about Soundview Media here.

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