Our Construction and Industry Video Showreel

We've put together a new showreel of our videos for clients who work in Construction and Industry. We've seen a growth in demand for video from these sectors. They're increasingly using video to build brand awareness, connect with buyers and to assist with public engagement. Video works quickly to explain a project to a variety of audiences.
A man with a highvis and hardhat on, standing on top of a metal structure over looking a housing tops and cars in city. He is looking down at a phone on a tripod. There is a far view of a seafront.

Construction and Industry Video: Capturing the Vision

For these clients the question is, what makes a good video? The answer is the same for all our clients, regardless of the sector they work in: great pictures and a compelling story. At Soundview we’ve always applied the principle of the three ‘Ps’. People, pictures and production. Every film should have the right people telling the story of a business or product with the quality of pictures and post production that adds value to that brand which is exactly what our Construction and Industry Video shows.

As ex-journalists, we know the power of a story. Videos need to be built around a narrative. So, we help our construction and industry clients identify the story and often for them, that is a story of their vision. In fact, it’s all about what makes their product or business unique. And a video can also help with public engagement. Construction and industry businesses are often a bit of a mystery to the public.  But video can share a company vision with a wider audience, if that’s what our clients want.

For brand awareness, it’s good to introduce the human touch. Whether a piece to camera or the voices of those involved in a project,  who better to tell the story than the people who live it? Testimonials work well too. By also including completed projects, and happy clients, what you have is a  first rate testimonial video.  Placed prominently on a website or sent to potential clients, this video can improve sales and secure work.

What Our Clients say about Us

From those in the construction industry to high tech manufacture, here’s what our construction and industry clients have to say about working with us.

Geothermal Engineering Limited

“This ground breaking project has attracted a lot of media and local community interest. Communication of unfamiliar technologies has been very important in building support. Soundview Media have made an invaluable contribution to this effort. Their films are perfectly pitched with a great mix of technical information and human interest.

“The 360 virtual reality video, filmed on the rig floor itself,  puts viewers right in the centre of the drilling activity. Soundview are a pleasure to work with and their end product is terrific. We can’t recommend them highly enough.”

Spirent Communications

“We’ve used Soundview Media for a variety of video projects over the last couple of years – from high technology product promotion, to business overviews for events. The team are great to work with: professional, punctual, friendly, and creative. Highly recommended.”

Rittal UK and Ireland

“Everyone here has said how professional you are, and the whole business is alive with positive feedback of the finished video. I appreciate your dedication and support in getting the job done. The end result is fantastic, a real testament to your skill and expertise. I would not hesitate to recommend your services to my associates.”

The Box, Plymouth

“We’ve been working with Soundview for over three years. They’re great to work with and they’re our first choice for all our film production needs. The videos they’ve produced have enabled us to document our work in a much more visual way than ever before and have provided us with lots of great content for our online and social media channels.”

More Showreels:

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