Give Disability and Employment Training a Go

Lizzy, Director of  Productions at Soundview, is really pleased to announced that she has been awarded a Disability and Employment Training certificate this week. The training course, run by the Be Ready Employer Hub in Devon ran remotely over the summer months. Lizzy describes her experience:
Lizzy Allen certified of attendance

Disability and Employment Training

I would recommend Disability and Employment Training to any employer. It was a really worthwhile experience; I learnt so much in a short time. The five training modules have armed me with lots of essential information. I now know how to make employment for disabled workers not only possible, but positive. If you want to open your doors to a willing and committed workforce, Disability and Employment Training is a great place to start.

The training happened online, with businesses attending from all over the South West. We learnt about the advantages of a diverse workforce and how to overcome the barriers disabled people might face in the workplace. There is lots of support out there available to disabled workers and their employers, right from the interview stage. For example, the Access to Work scheme can pay for adjustments to the work place, from minor to major.


Surprising Facts

During the training,  I was surprised by some of the statistics I came across. Did you know, for example, that 33% of the work force have a long term health condition? Or that 80% of  disabled people have hidden or invisible disabilities? These facts were certainly news to me. And here’s another fact for employers: research shows a diverse work force has a positive impact on sales and  customer loyalty. That’s certainly worth bearing in mind.

The training course is free and the courses happen regularly. I came out of the training more confident and informed and I really recommend it.  If you  want to find out more visit

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