Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery Closes

Doors close Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery - you can see this for the last time. This was a momentous occasion in Plymouth’s history this week, which Soundview captured.
do not disturb until 2020 sign
The doors were closed for the last time at the Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery. At five o’clock on Saturday 3rd September 2016, the last visitors were shut out…but not for good, just for the next three and a bit years.
This is just one more step towards the multimillion-pound reinvention that will result in the Plymouth History Centre.

Plymouth’s History Centre

It’s a momentous occasion in Plymouth’s history because this very much marks the end of an era but the start of a very exciting one for the city. In the spring of 2020 the doors on the new “History Centre” will be flung open to welcome visitors back. The History Centre will be a place where all of the city’s historical collections can be accessed by visitors.
In fact, it will bring the existing Museum and gallery collections, the South West Film and TV archive, the South West image bank and the Plymouth public records office all under one roof. All this will coincide with the Mayflower 2020 celebrations in the Autumn of that year.
It’s a mammoth task and Soundview will be there every step of the way to film and document it and now we have plans to install a new state of the art, autonomous 4k time-lapse camera to capture the demolition (of part of the building ) and the construction of the new wing of The History Centre. This kit is so new, it’s not even on the market yet, so we’ll be right at the cutting edge of its application.


Although the doors on the building are closed for the next three years, the museum itself remains very much open for business. There’s an exciting calendar of events and temporary exhibitions around Plymouth and the wider southwest.
In the meantime, the team at the museum will continue to pack up and store the collections. Once vacated, the building work will start in earnest, before the grand opening in 2020. Good luck to the team – we’ll be with you every step of the way.

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