Drone Flying Rules The CAA video explains, simply, the rules for drone flying. The unmanned aerial video has become very popular.
red distressed sign marking no drone flying over power lines

Consequently, there have been some scary stories in the press. As a result, this CAA video sets out guidelines that should avoid the kind of activity that has led to those headlines.

The video gives clear explanations of the Dos and Dont’s. Importantly, failure to adhere to the rules may result in criminal prosecution and the rules apply to professionals and hobbyists. The rules and guidelines are quite straightforward.

Drone Flying Rules

Firstly, make sure you can see your drone at all times and don’t fly higher than 400 feet.
Always keep your drone away from aircraft, helicopters, airports and airfields.
Finally, use your common sense and fly safely; you could be prosecuted if you don’t.

And for drones fitted with cameras must not be flown:

Within 50 metres of people, vehicles, buildings or structures.
Over congested areas or large gatherings such as concerts and sports events.

More information is available on the CAA website here.

Sound view – Commercial Aerial Video Legally and Safely

We adopted drone technology early and successfully achieved CAA Certification to fly commercially in 2014. Since that time we have flown hundreds of times because our clients understand the value of aerial video in their films.

Our drone has flown over Cornwall surfers and Devon steam trains, intimate wedding venues and exclusive holiday properties. It’s also flown throughout the South West, over rivers, sea and moors, capturing unique images of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset.

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