Ocean City film for the Duke of Cornwall Hotel

Soundview has been working with the The Duke of Cornwall Hotel, Plymouth to promote this iconic city centre hotel. Our recent video shows what the hotel offers to visitors: from a grand ballroom for a Bride and Groom's special day, to bespoke rooms and cream teas with ocean views. The Duke of Cornwall is a chance to tap into Plymouth's rich history and is a fantastic venue for all.
a drone shot of the park behind a hotel with Plymouth sound in the background

Duke of Cornwall Hotel Ocean City Video

And of course our Duke of Cornwall Hotel Ocean City video shows off Plymouth’s waterfront. By using ever popular aerial video, the opening shot gives a spectacular view of  the Duke of Cornwall Hotel basking in the sunshine and Plymouth’s Hoe.  With additional footage of Dartmoor and city centre shopping, viewers have lots of reasons to visit the hotel.

Banner video for New Website

Our latest work takes pride of place on the Hotel’s new home page! As a banner video, we are delighted that it is the first feature that visitors to the website will see. And there is increasing demand for this kind of film because its a brilliant way to show what’s on offer at venues and destinations, benefits SEO and looks great on a homepage. Check out our banner video for Treetop Escape, who credit the work with an increase in bookings.

Video Marketing

Digital video is a great way of reaching your customers who increasingly want video of the places they visit. The saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. So that raises the question: what is a video worth? And of course a video gives other marketing opportunities. Mail shots, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. A video can be used to promote a business via these sites.With social media booming and the use of video within those channels, a business can really benefit from expanding their marketing in this way.

And the proof of the pudding is in the eating: The Duke of Cornwall’s video has already generated lots of interest online amongst various channels, including their Facebook page.

Reviews say What the Customer Thinks

So that viewers can fully appreciate the experience on offer, customer reviews were drawn from Trip Advisor and used as quotes. These add a personal touch to the video by sharing customers’ experiences. This is especially relevant because ‘silent video’ is very popular online. We are proud to  have worked with the Duke of Cornwall on a number of film projects, see our other work here:

The Duke of Cornwall Hotel | Mini Wedding Collection time-lapse video

Duke of Cornwall Hotel Making History Video

Titanic Exhibition

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