Filming for UK Safer Internet Day 2022

Filming for Safer Internet Day has kicked off, starting with an action packed three days filming around the United Kingdom.
A group of school children in uniform pretending to be a film crew. In a classroom. They are holding a clapper, microphone and camera.

Soundview is once again proud to be a part of this important campaign, that helps educate both young people and their parents about the importances of online safety, with this years focus on gaming online.

Four Home Nations

Filming kicked off in Cardiff, Wales, where local primary and secondary children were asked a series of scenarios, and how they would handle them. These ranged from being asked to play a scary game or how to confront sexist comments.

A wide range of answers and ideas were presented, many children already knowing the best thing to do in these circumstances. After a full day of filming, there was no rest for us as we headed straight to the airport for our next destination Northern Ireland.

The cycle continued, another full day of filming with school children and then straight to our final location Scotland. It’s fair to say we had such a hectic and busy three days but the filming didn’t end there.

Back Home

Once back in Plymouth, we jumped right back in, with filming done at Woodlands School. We had managed to film some wonderful answers and insights from all the children, even teaching us a few things about video games.

Many children spoke about the importances of videos games during lockdown. For them, it was a great way of staying in touch with friends and family during that period. And while some of the children didn’t play games, nearly all experienced some form of online teaching.

Look out for our films being launched on Safer Internet Day, 8th February 2022.

To watch the films produced and learn more about Safer Internet Center, click here.

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