All eyes have been on the amazing Deep Geothermal energy project at United Downs in Cornwall this month. The innovative and groundbreaking project for the UK has captured the imagination of national, regional and local media with widespread coverage across TV, radio, print and online. Our time-lapse and drone video footage was broadcast on national and regional television across the BBC and ITV and was published by online and digital news providers.
a drone shot of a construction site

The project will explore the potential of harnessing the heat in the ground below our feet to create renewable energy and heating. The technology is clean and sustainable. Its advantage over wind and solar is that it provides constant power. This is truly a landmark project and our most recent film captures the construction of the drilling rig.

Rig Construction Shoot

Storm Callum delayed construction but once a suitable weather opportunity happened, the rig was on its way to United Downs. We made sure we were there to film its arrival, near Redruth in Cornwall, which involved eight huge truckloads. Of course, on a project this size we needed a range of cameras. The sheer scale of the rig called for aerial video as well as a time-lapse camera to capture construction over ten days. We also created a video that captures the moment when drilling begins.

Big Plans

GEL will dig two deep geothermal wells, with the deepest well at a depth of 4.5 kilometres. The site also includes the construction of a 1MW – 3MW pilot Geothermal energy power plant. This will demonstrate, via the two wells, the technical and commercial viability of supplying both electricity and heat throughout the region. As you can imagine this project involves some impressive equipment.

Soundview will capture the progress of the site and will act as a source of information for those with an interest, whether scientists, local residents or investors. With £2.4 million funding from Cornwall Council and £5 million from private investors, this is a major project. It’s great to be involved with such ground-breaking work (no pun intended).  See another of our films capturing the construction of The Box.


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