Great West Run Video Fast Turn Around
Careful planning and a two person crew was the recipe for success. Even with adverse weather conditions (storm Callum put in an appearance) the video was on Facebook and the Great West Run website by three o’clock. The plan worked, over 4000 hits on the video within twelve hours on the Facebook film alone. With an aim to attract competitors to join next year’s run, that’s got to be good news.
It’s All in the Planning
There are key moments in any event. We worked closely with the organisers to pin point those times and locations. Of course the start and finish line were on the list. There’s nothing quite like the anticipation at the start of a run or the moment when competitors cross the finishing line. Along the way we filmed the cheering crowds of supporters who turned out despite the rain.
With nearly 40 years of TV journalism and news production experience Soundview are seasoned news hounds. We love to get a story out when it has most traction. The Great West Run gave us an opportunity to do just that!
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