Greenwood Grange Dorset

Greenwood Grange Dorset - The sun was shining during our recent visit to Dorset to capture video for this collection of luxury cottages.
Greenwood grange Dorset logo screenshot

This meant that we were able to video these luxury holiday properties in the very best Autumn light. These weather conditions meant great-looking trees and skies.

And it’s always best to look for those good weather days, no matter what time of year. Especially if you are using a drone to capture aerial video, as we did at Greenwood Grange Dorset.

The Day

So we set off good and early, as we knew the flying conditions were going to be better in the morning. We could then also spend the latter part of the day filming the interiors. That way, everything was videoed when looking best and at a time that suited the owners and their guests.

It was important that we built in enough time to capture not only the individual properties but also the grounds and facilities. There is an indoor pool, games room and play area with a yurt on site.

Greenwood Grange Dorset

It was also really important to capture a sense of the location. Just five minutes from Thomas hardy’s birthplace and slap bang in the middle of `Hardy Country’, this is a location worth celebrating. The literary history is obviously an attraction to some visitors, and so it’s key that the video celebrates this connection.

The drone is a natural advantage to show what the local area is like, and many of our holiday destination clients choose to feature aerial video in their films. That’s because, like us, they believe that a bird’s eye view of the local area gives a real sense of the surrounding area.

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