Includiverse: User Centred Design, Going The Extra Mile 

We headed back up to the North East for the second time in as many months to meet with our user group to test the latest version of our accessible smart glasses application.
Woman wearing Includiverse Smart Glasses for subtitles.
User centred design is a process we’re fully committed to in the research and development of our accessible smart glasses app for big screen entertainment. We visited Newcastle to try out our latest version of our smart glasses app at the Newcastle Deaf Centre.

User Centred Design

Testing our prototypes with deaf and hard of hearing cinema goers gives us valuable feedback on what we’re getting right, what we’re getting wrong, and how we can make improvements. After we’ve carried out the trials, we feedback that information to the development team, who then make changes, for us to return to try out the new version with our test group, and the process continues, with tweaks and refinements at every step. Putting your intended end user or customer at the heart  of your design process is crucial for creating relevant products and services. Essentially, thinking what people might want is not the same as finding out what they actually need.

Man wearing Includiverse Smart Glasses for subtitles.

One of the test group wearing the subtitle smart glasses.

The insights that you gain into the requirements of your intended user are critical to the success of your product. Being at the testing sessions enables you to better understand your customers needs and the strengths and weaknesses of your design. This is about designing with not designing for.  We hope to soon be moving into in-venue testing, and no doubt that will bring with it  a whole new set of considerations problem solving.

Newcastle Deaf Centre

The Newcastle Deaf centre test group and Gareth Allen from Includiverse.

The Newcastle Deaf centre test group and Gareth Allen from Includiverse.

We’ve been working with the team at Newcastle Deaf Centre (NDC) and are really grateful to the time and energy their members have put into helping us make our smart glasses app as good and useful as it can possibly be. We know from our research that this product will increase inclusion and attendance at big screen entertainment venues, and all the feedback and ideas  from The  NDC will be right at the core of that success.
Find out more about our smart glasses.

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