Latest news | South West Tourism awards 2017-2018

As sponsors of the  South West Tourism Awards we were excited to hear their latest news: that they have had a record breaking number of entries for 2017-2018. The awards started in 2013 and since that time the amount of entries in the South West region have doubled. An award is recognition of excellence. Winners automatically enter the national Visit England awards. The record breaking number of entries reflects their growing popularity: 644 entries, 6% more than in 2016.
a group of people posing with an award

An award is prestigious and judging stringent. Entries now undergo a three-stage judging process, including visits from mystery visitors. Finally, an independent panel takes the decision.  Awards organiser Robin Barker said:

“We work hard each year to develop the awards to keep them relevant to the fast-changing world of tourism and are always delighted when our efforts are rewarded with increased entries.”

Ultimately, winners will compete at a national level with tourism businesses from other parts of the country. In the Visit England awards, the best of the best meet and we are proud to say the last year the South West won more awards than any other region.

Soundview Awards Sponsor

We are delighted to see the event doing so well.  Soundview have sponsored the awards since their inception because we understand how important they are to tourism and to the region. The awards highlight the world class tourism offering on offer in the South West. So this year we are sponsoring two categories. And we will be at the awards ceremonies in November and February to celebrate with the winners.

Our South West Tourism Awards 2016-2017 promotional video

Latest news | South West Tourism awards 2017-2018. Chris and Gareth from Soundview at the Awards in 2016.

Chris and Gareth from Soundview at the Awards in 2016.

Soundview congratulate National Tourism Awards nominees

South West Tourism Awards Sponsor

South West Tourism Excellence Awards 2016-2017

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