Creating New Media Lab Installation at The Box

How to describe the new Media Lab installation in Plymouth's The Box? Well, it’s huge. In fact it’s floor to ceiling and wraps round three walls. The new showpiece film installation in the Media Lab in The Box is something we are really proud of. Soundview created the film content currently being shown in the Media Lab, one of the fantastic new spaces that make up The Box Plymouth. Our video above explains how it all came together.
The box big screen

New Media Lab Installation

The feature installation of the Media Lab is fondly called the big screen. It’s largely comprised of video and film footage from The South West Film and Television Archive or SWFTA. Established in 1993, it is the one of the  largest regional film archives in the UK. It has tens of thousands of hours of footage, telling the stories and events of the region in moving images spanning over 100 years.

From this footage we created a film that gives audiences a sense of the rich history and culture of the South West. It includes some of the collection’s earliest colour film.  Captured in 1939 by a Mr  Nichols – it’s amazing how good this looks, especially on such an impressive stage.

Telling Stories of the South West

The film also includes The Beetles visit to Plymouth in the 1960’s. This sits alongside memorable events such as  the Penlee Lifeboat Disaster. And its not just the major stories that made it to the final cut. One of the more bizarre sections features a lady who kept an alligator as a pet. Well, you always have to have an animal story right?

We have also created a juxtaposition within the  content, by including contemporary film  shot on our 360 cameras. This 4K  footage features some of Plymouth’s greatest landmarks. It’s great to see the city, as it is now, placed side by side with the past. Especially on the massive screens that span three walls of the Media Lab.


Angel Rippon views the new Media Lab installation at The Box preview.

Making Film Work in a 3D Space

Soundview’s Managing Director, Gareth Allen spent many hours reviewing the footage. Once (and for many years) a local TV journalist, it was a real treat to watch some of the key news stories from the past. He then selected the exact clips to be included in the montage. Edited together with contemporary 360 video, the film installation gives a great insight into history.

Gareth said:

“It’s just such an amazing privilege, to be able to look back though the archive and understand more about days gone by from the people who were experiencing those times and capturing the moment in celluloid. It’s really interesting to see how everything from fashion through language and attitude has changed.  While viewing the footage, I would almost get lost in the stories – always excited to see the next one in the library. There are so many amazing stories that we haven’t included for now, but hopefully they’ll get their moment in the limelight in the future.

“We created a template to ensure that the film worked in a 3D space. Chris, our post-production expert, edited the footage for optimum use of the screens. He turned much of what is 4 by 3 footage into a format that worked for a (very) wide screen. No mean feat, and something he should be really proud of. As a result of all that work, the stories ‘travel’ across the three walls, engaging the audience and giving a dynamic insight into the South West’s past. With subtitling and stories we hope everyone will enjoy, the new Media lab installation will be entertaining audiences for years to come.”

You can  find out more about our work on our video production page.

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