Plymouth City Bus asked us to create a series of behind-the-scenes videos that showed what they did.

The films were launched to coincide with their new En Route magazine and a £5million investment in their fleet. Each video shows a different aspect of their service, allowing an insight into what City Bus is doing around the clock.

Plymouth City Bus are promoting their eight behind the scenes videos with a quiz, and every quiz entry means money for Plymouth Charity Gold Dust Appeal. In their recent first edition En Route magazine, the eight videos feature on a USB stick and readers are asked to enter answers once they have watched. Each entry results in a £25 donation to the Derriford based Gold Dust Appeal, which aims to provide greater comfort for children, young people and their families when they have to undergo clinical procedures.

En Route and Plymouth City Bus.

This magazine first published in January 2016 celebrates, like our films,  what makes Plymouth City Bus something to be proud of. With their £5 million investment in a brand new fleet of Yellow Flash buses and an Investors in People Gold Award, they have continued to improve. Testament to that is an industry-leading achievement of 93% overall customer satisfaction.

Operating services throughout Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall, last year City bus had over 18 million passengers- that’s a lot of satisfied customers.

The Videos

With an opportunity to show this great Plymouth company and the city in all their glory, we couldn’t resist using our drone to capture aerial video. As well as flying over the depot, we took advantage of a beautiful Plymouth morning to capture a drive-by at Plymouth’s Tinside Lido. We also set up our timelapse camera to capture the 24-hour operations that keep the wheels on the bus turning for all those passengers. In Passenger’s Tale Managing Director Richard Stevens describes the company’s aim for excellence and even drives a bus –  something he does regularly.

To see all of our films for Plymouth City Bus click the links below:

The Passenger’s Tale

The Driver’s Tale

The City That Never Sleeps

Keeping the Wheels Turning

We Care

Running to Time


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