Plymouth History Centre Records Office

Plymouth History Centre Records Office - Our video describes the changes happening at the Plymouth Records Office in order to make their move to the Plymouth History Centre. In addition, the video captures the important work they do and what the move involves.
letters with fancy calligraphy folded in a pile wrapped with ribbon

Plymouth History Centre Records Office

The Plymouth records Office needed to move because their building did not provide suitable conditions for storage. With some of their collection dating back to the 1100s, their collection provides a unique insight into Plymouth’s history. Appropriately,  they will be alongside the other historical collections in the new Plymouth History Centre.

The move will not only mean suitable storage conditions, but a new reading room for visitors and will mean:

“A more central location in the city and being able to shout loudly about them, letting everyone know about the wonderful collections we have here.” – Alan Barclay Archives Assistant

2020 Celebrations

Although the History Centre won’t be open to the public until 2020, the Records office has a lot of work to do to make the move. Preparations are underway so that the records can make their move in good time.

Some of the collection is particularly significant to the move because the records refer to the Mayflower. There are maps of the Barbican, Plymouth at the time, with the location of the original Mayflower steps.

2020 marks the 400 year anniversary of the 1620 sailing. One of the most noteworthy events in the 2020  Mayflower 400 celebrations will be the opening of the Plymouth History Centre. How apt the records office should be under its roof!

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