Plymouth History Centre Update

Plymouth History Centre Update - We have created another video for the Plymouth History Centre to keep everyone up-to-date with the developments over the Summer.
Plymouth the box exterior taken from road view

Lots have happened since the last video, and like the last one, we are using a timeline. This means that it’s easy to reference what happens when.

Plymouth History Centre Update

So, what exactly has happened? Well, the History Centre Project has received funding for its 100 Journeys Gallery. It has appointed building contractors. Also, the Art store has been emptied, and the work placed in storage.

Oh, and the other development this Summer was the confirmation of £14.8 million from the National Lottery to phase two of the project – Wow!

And finally, the museum doors have shut. The museum will not open until the huge redevelopment is complete in 2020. Soundview was there to capture each of these important developments. See our Doors Close blog.

The History Centre Vision

The History Centre Plymouth is a massive undertaking.  All of the exhibits will be under one roof. And in fact, they will be alongside other collections that reflect Plymouth’s rich history. This will include the South West Film and Television Archive.

Overall, the aim is for the visitor experience to be transformed. Visitors will easily grasp the importance of Plymouth as a Historical and Cultural centre.

In order to achieve this, the existing Art Gallery and Museum in Plymouth will be extended. So, an additional annexe will be built at the back of the existing historical buildings.

2020 Mayflower 400 Celebrations

All of the plans come to fruition in 2020, to coincide with the 400-year celebrations of the Mayflower. In 1620 the Plymouth Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth for the New World. And, there will be celebrations throughout the city that year, with the opening of The Plymouth History Centre a major part of them.

Soundview is really proud to be able to document the ongoing transformation of the Museum and Art Gallery.

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