Plymouth History Centre Volunteer Training

Plymouth History Centre Volunteer Training was captured by us on a 4K video. As part of keeping a record of developments, we were asked to video the training of volunteers.

Each museum piece must be carefully wrapped in preparation for the relocation prior to building work on the existing Museum and Art Gallery site. This is all part of a process that will culminate in the much-anticipated opening of the Plymouth History Centre in 2020, in time for the Mayflower 400 celebrations.

Plymouth History Centre Volunteer Training

As the video shows, some of the objects are extremely rare and delicate, so each volunteer needs to know how best to protect them for transit. The Museum and Art Gallery currently have a number of volunteers who help them. Their much-needed assistance has helped ensure many objects are already safely stored. In our video, experts are seen wrapping ceramics, and the care that this requires. You can see more of the preparations in our packing video.

Plymouth 4K Video

Soundview, based in Plymouth, has used a 4K video for this project. Just as the Museum holds objects that are a record of Plymouth’s past, it will also hold a record of the construction of the new History Centre for future generations. And 4K video will mean great quality footage. 4K video is higher quality, with more detail and is the next step in the evolution of video.

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