Royal Cornwall Hospital Recruitment Videos

Our Royal Cornwall Hospital Recruitment Videos were commissioned by the Trust to recruit specialists to a number of their departments. We are currently working on our latest video for the Clinical Imaging department.

The department offers cutting edge imaging services such as MRI, CT and Ultrasound. We spent a day in Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, interviewing staff and capturing them at work.

Royal Cornwall Hospital Recruitment Videos

We have really enjoyed working with the hospital staff to make this series of videos. Witnessing the quality of service and their professionalism has given us a real insight into what the day to day running of hospital departments really requires. Recruiting the right people for the specialist work is so important and it’s great to be involved in part of that process.

Recruitment Videos-Getting it Right

We used a range of equipment to ensure that the videos were informative but also reflected the quality of the hospital itself. Communicating the levels of professionalism was so important. Where technology was key to the department, we featured it. But it was also essential to give a sense of the working community to prospective applicants. We featured interviews with staff to convey this and explain the opportunities that exist within each department.

And of course, we made sure our videos showed what a great place Cornwall is to live and work.

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