Ready for Safer Internet Day 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 is only a few months away and this week saw the release of SID's video content. The videos are part of education packs used by schools up and down the land, and are now available to parents and teachers. All in good time for 9th February, Safer internet Day 2021.
sixteen headshots of various school children taken from a video meeting.

Safer Internet Day 2021

An annual global event, Safer Internet Day involves millions of students throughout the UK.  Young people, aged from  5-18,  devote their school day to learn about positive use of the internet. Each year has a particular focus and this year’s theme is Reliability Online: How do we separate fact from fiction? It’s a particularly topical theme, as ‘fake news’ is a subject we continue to hear a lot about. Safer Internet Day 2021 aims to provide young people with the skills to determine whether the information they find online is reliable.

Shooting Videos for SID

We’ve worked with SID for many years to produce their video content but this year represented some new challenges. With Covid 19 measures in place, how could we create engaging content that represented students from across the country? Well, we found a number of solutions. Normally our SID video content  is filmed in numerous schools. Our film crew and the SID team pitch up armed with a load of film equipment and lots of questions. We’ve been to Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales as well as schools in England in previous years. Unfortunately this was not possible this year.

So, as an alternative we combined three approaches. Firstly we interviewed some experts – representatives from Full Fact, an independent fact checking service,  and BBC’s Reality Check. They gave us the low down, in a socially distanced way of course, on what to look out for online.

Secondly, we held some remote sessions with students in schools up and down the country. We recorded these, and edited the different contributors together. That way we had videos that represented the students that would be watching them.

Finally, we arranged to film in one school in England, where this was permitted. We ensured minimum disruption and maximum safety at all times. All of our contributors, as ever were great. All that was left was to edit the content, add in some graphics and subtitles and the videos were ready to be shared with schools well in advance of Safer internet Day 2021.

You can find out more about our video production work here.

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