We are once again excited to work closely with the Safer Internet Centre and create some engaging and insightful films for children's internet safety.

Safer Internet Day 2023- Our Highlights

Safer Internet Day 2023 is upon us and this year’s theme is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.’ Millions of young people up and down the country are discovering just how to do this safely, using The Safer Internet Centre resources. Soundview worked alongside The Safer Internet Centre to produce a series of films. Some films are part of the resources available to schools and families, while others promote the event. It’s been great working with them once again and here are some of our highlights:

Anfield with John Barnes and Princess

We had a great day working at Anfield, where we filmed students from schools across Liverpool. It’s always fun working with children, but we had an extra treat: filming John Barnes, a football legend and Princess, a UK podcaster. John and Princess were there to help promote Safer Internet Day and it was a great shoot – we were only a little bit star-struck!


Podcaster Princess

We were also lucky enough to work with Princess before this to help raise awareness of the Safer Internet video wall. The video wall is a digital space where young people could upload their films and share their thoughts and preferences about the internet. Anyone can watch the videos, and it’s a great way to start conversations about internet use. For this shoot, we filmed Princess in London.

.Princess, a uk podcaster holding a clap board in front of the camera

Schools Across the UK

The main part of the project is the series of films we produced for use in schools. It was really important to work with young people from all over the UK, to hear their ideas and opinions. So, with The Safer Internet team, we worked in schools in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also filmed a little closer to home: Woodlands school in Plymouth. The students we interviewed described the sorts of things they like to do online and some of the problems they encounter.

A male videographer filming a young boy with learning difficulties in front of a yellow green screen in a classroom

Of course, it was a great project and a real pleasure working with the schools, the presenters, and The Safer Internet team, many thanks to all of them for their amazing work.


Watch our safer internet videos live here and get more information on staying safe!

Check out previous years’ content and many of our other awesome videos here. 

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