Our Tour of the UK for SID TV 2018

Soundview had a great end to 2017,  filming in schools throughout the UK. We worked in locations such as Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, to mention just a few, for our work with the 2018 Safer Internet Centre campaign. There, we interviewed students and their parents about internet safety. This is the fourth consecutive year we've worked on the SID TV campaign and its always great to be involved in something so vital. And after 2017's bumper viewing figures, where millions of students watched our videos,  2018 looks set to be another great year.
a screenshot of a puppet

Our Tour of the UK for SID TV 2018


SID TV – What is it?

Safer Internet Centre needed to come up with a fun and interesting way to educate children (and parents!) on the risks of being online and how to be safe when browsing. The work they do comes to fruition on Safer Internet Day, this year celebrated on Tuesday 6th February 2018.  And SIC realised that one of the best ways to explain internet safety was video. So SID TV was born, a digital TV platform that hosts videos that explain safe internet use.

Each year, for the last four years, we’ve made a  series of videos for different age groups. For the younger audiences, two helpful companions, Red and Murphy, explain the importance of being careful online. This allows us to communicate a serious message in a fun way. Internet safety may not be the easiest subject to discuss, so the help of Red and Murphy makes all the difference. The videos aimed at older audiences feature students talking about their experiences. And although the films are mainly aimed at young people, we also make a film for parents and carers.

Safer Internet Day 2018

In February, students across the UK will spend the day learning about the internet and how to avoid it’s pitfalls. In previous years the films have  focused on themes such as ‘ The Power of Image’, and how important it is to think before you post photos online. This year’s theme is healthy online relationships and digital well-being. The videos accompany education packs for teachers and are designed to stimulate conversations on the theme.

Sid TV Safer Internet Day 2017


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