SWFTA Moves Its Video Archive

SWFTA are making a move to Plymouth History Centre and Soundview has created a video that introduces the team.

There are plans to house South West Film and Television Archive in the new extended Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery complex. Consequently, the SWFTA will have a permanent home next to Plymouth’s other major historical and cultural collections.

And in our video, the team explain the importance of what they do. They also describe the significance of being a part of the Plymouth History Centre. Importantly, the move will mean that the preservation of these wonderful records of life in the South West will be easier to preserve and access.

Old friends at SWFTA

As a result of the filming, Soundview was really pleased to reconnect with some ex-colleagues from their years at ITV Westcountry. Happily, they were reunited with James Gibbs and Roger Charlesworth.  Both of whom worked at ITV Westcountry or its former manifestations Charlton TV and TSW. All of the staff at SWFTA play a vital role in preserving the South West’s heritage.


SWFTA is the official regional film archive for the South West of England. It is a member of the UK Film Archive Network (FAUK) and SWFTA is recognised as one of the UK’s most significant screen heritage collections.

Established in 1993, SWFTA’s core collection comprises of the combined programme libraries of Westward Television and TSW (Television South West). in addition, the archive also cares for a significant number of donated film collections, both amateur and professional dating back to the early 1890s. Impressively, the collections cover an area from the Isles of Scilly in the west to Bournemouth in the east and as far north as Gloucestershire, and includes all the county and unitary authorities in the South West.

Plymouth History Centre

As a Plymouth video production company, we are so pleased to be working with the Plymouth History Centre. Throughout, we will be there,  capturing the preparations for the exciting transformation to the existing museum and art gallery due to open in 2020. This and other changes to the city will mark the  Mayflower 400 celebrations.

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