The Box Behind the Scenes Video

In the week it should have opened its doors to the public, we have been behind the scenes at The Box Plymouth.  After four years and lots of hard work, The Box was within a couple of months of opening when lockdown started. Obviously all worked ceased. But since that date the final stages of work  have resumed and The Box invited us inside to film their progress. We captured a behind the scenes peek of some of the treats that await visitors.
the box figureheads closeup shot of six people, with the box logo in the top lefthand corner

The Box Behind the Scenes

We’ve been lucky enough to film The Box through-out its four year project. So, it was great to see it all so close to completion. We got a taster of the exciting experience it will offer. Some of the major exhibits are already in place (major in terms of importance and size). Notable displays include the naval figure-heads and the full-sized wooly mammoth. The mammoth is really impressive and it dominates the natural history space it occupies. Interesting fact: it was created by a team in America from some of the same materials as Chewbacca. And the huge figure heads have been lovingly restored to their original glory and loom over the entrance area. They will be the first things that visitors see when they arrive.

These key pieces give The Box a real wow factor. The smaller items in The Box’s collections remain safely in storage for now. They will be placed once all work is finished on the interior. It was a real treat to get a sense of what’s in store for visitors and to share a behind the scenes glimpse of what they will experience soon.

360 Videos of Inside The Box

While we were filming, we captured some 360 videos, that you can watch here on our Vimeo channel. The Box shared these and hundreds of  people got to see some of the key exhibits on the weekend The Box would have opened. just a taste of what’s to come.

You can see more of our work for The Box on our YouTube Arts and Heritage playlist or read more of our Box blogs.

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