The Box 2020 | Halfway There!

We were first commissioned to create a video legacy for The Box Plymouth in 2016. The vision was to capture the transformation of Plymouth's art gallery and museum into a cultural centre by 2020. That date seemed so far in the future. Yet, here we are, halfway there. The construction is taking shape and 2020 doesn't feel so very far away.
a case of a mummy


The Box Plymouth video production

The Box Plymouth a vision for 2020

The Vision

It will be a museum for the 21st century with extraordinary gallery displays, high profile artists and art exhibitions, as well as exciting events and performances that take visitors on a journey from pre-history to the present and beyond.

With a multimillion pound extension on the existing 18 Century Museum buildings, the vision is to create a space for Plymouth’s rich historical and cultural collections. What better way to mark the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower in 2020? The construction continues. As does the Museum on Tour programme, which ensures the people of Plymouth and visitors to the city can still enjoy the collections.

Video Legacy

Our work with The Box Plymouth has been really varied and exciting. In order to create a video record of key moments and keep the public informed, we’ve been in lots of locations and at many exciting events. We’ve met many people passionate about their work in the city. From volunteers who carefully wrapped (or decanted) the museum and gallery artefacts to those involved with Illuminate, Plymouth’s festival of light. There have been  Ropewalk’s vivid tales of Plymouth’s seafaring history from the Barbican Theatre. Then there are the experts: from different collections, people with historical and scientific knowledge of the city’s collections. Their insights are fascinating.

Plymouth History Centre Behind scenes view:Plymouth Art gallery and museum archive

Behind scenes view: Plymouth Art gallery and museum archive

We have been behind the scenes in the museum and gallery. We’ve witnessed the packing away of Egyptian Mummies and Victorian marine specimens. And we’ve heard about the incredible local films at SWFTA and ancient maps at Plymouth’s Records office.  One day soon all of these amazing items will be together. It is great to work with those committed to this inspiring vision for Plymouth’s future.

Some of our films for The Box Plymouth:



Record Office



The Box Brand Launch

Autumn 2017 Update

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