How to Use Video to Reassure Customers And Prepare Them for Your Unlock Plans

Now the government has detailed its roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions, you'll be thinking carefully about how to unlock your business. Your number one priority is safety and you'll be following social distancing and health guidelines. But how do you prepare customers and help them understand what that looks like in your business? How can you reassure people about the comprehensive measures you have put into place?  Well, we think the best way is through video.
2 metres social distancing sign

With a short explainer video you can easily prepare and reassure the public by demonstrating the steps you have taken. This can be shared with your customers on your website, through social media and even in a newsletter. You could also provide a link to further information. It’s an immediate way to build confidence and help them to understand in advance.

Video to Reassure Customers

Firstly, and this is easy, its essential your video shoot itself follows government guidelines. Next plan your video. You should feature the parts of your business that will be open to help manage expectation. This will give you the opportunity to share important information such as the arrangements you’ve put in place for customer safety. Ensure you include any procedures you have developed for social distancing and hygiene. This might be plans such as your one way system or the availability of hand cleansing facilities. You could even promote your on-line booking or shop. Whether you use video footage, animation or a combination of both, keep it short and informative.

Another helpful technique is to reassure customers with a piece to camera or voice-over from one of your team. Consider the impact of a Director explaining how they have prioritised customer safety. It’s a good way to show your commitment to following government policy and to keeping everyone safe.

welcome bunting with confetti from video to reassure blog

And Remind Them Why They Should Come

At Soundview we are always banging on about storytelling. Well, the story you want to tell through your video is not only is it safe to visit us but you will have a great experience if you do. Importantly, your video should be informative AND promote your excellent business. Don’t forget to remind customers why they might want to visit you in the first place. Include the parts of your business that generally attract people, and if you have anything new or that looks particularly great at this time of year, share it! We are all beginning to dream about what we can do with our post-lockdown freedom so just make sure you show folk loads of reasons why they should to visit you!

Here’s a useful link to the current government guidance on re-opening businesses (published 11th may 2020). Soundview is a Plymouth based video production company.

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