Our Historic England dive
Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive of Historic England, said: “We are delighted to be working with wounded veterans to record what remains of the wreck of HMS Montagu. These dives will help to develop the personal strengths and capabilities of all those taking part and will provide Historic England with the vital information that we need to determine how best to protect the wreck.”

The landing stage at the Isle of Lundy.
The Lundy landing stage
Gareth, our Creative Director, travelled out to Lundy to capture the dives. The perfect weather gave the divers fantastic visibility which was also particularly rewarding for our cameras. Some of the divers were equipped with GoPros, capturing amazing footage of the local seals swimming around them. We also brought our new 360 camera, the GoPro Fusion and recorded some interesting angles of the shipwreck underwater.

The GoPro Fusion captures a seal swimming right below Gareth
Underwater Video Production
In our video you also get to see some of the amazing underwater views that the divers and veterans experienced. Furthermore, it features interviews with some of the Help for Heroes Veterans that took part in the dives. The Veterans talk about their experience under the water and how these dives have greatly improved their rehabilitation. They describe how the feeling of weightlessness in the water relieved their pain and that they felt safer underwater. As a result of this programme, Historic England have not only helped the Veterans’ rehabilitation, they’ve also been able to gather important information about the HMS Montagu shipwreck.
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360 VR Video and incredible wildlife
England’s Seafood Coast ‘How to’ with Mitch Tonks
Penguins underwater, our latest 360 video production
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