The Duke of Cornwall Hotel

On a scorching summer's day Gareth, Chris and Issie made their way to the Duke of Cornwall Hotel for a staged Wedding video production. We've worked with the Duke of Cornwall Hotel on many occasions. As an iconic venue, the Duke of Cornwall has lots to offer, and our films help promote this. Our latest film marks the second year in a row we've produced a video to promote their Mini Wedding Collections.
a man and woman leaning in to kiss in front of a grand building

The Duke of Cornwall Hotel

Capturing every angle

While we waited for the actors to have their hair, makeup and outfits prepared, we started to practice some of the shots that required more planning. The most iconic yet most challenging shot was walking down the grand staircase. This is a particularly beautiful feature of The Duke of Cornwall Hotel that is used for the Bride and Groom to elegantly make their way downstairs after their ceremony. With this perfect opportunity in mind, we set up the jib and practiced the sweeping shot which would follow the couple as they gracefully descended.

Wedding video production

A highlight of the shoot was when we were in the Duke of Cornwall’s unique tower room. The lavish hotel room has private access to the top of the tower which boast incredible views of Plymouth. Equipped with the slider, we made the most of the beautiful weather to capture the fantastic view of Plymouth that surrounded us. The Hotel really is situated in a stunning location.

The views from the tower!

The views from the tower!

Check out our other hotel videos:

Ocean City film for the Duke of Cornwall Hotel

Mini Wedding Collection time-lapse video

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