Working With Families: Action For Children

Our latest project for Action For Children created a very special video about short breaks carers and why they're needed. We also made use of some wonderful archive footage that included clips of our own children too.

Action For Children

Action For Children is a UK-based charity whose focus is on improving the lives of children and young people. They provide the necessary support for disabled youth and their families such as short breaks and advocacy. The support from Action for Children includes relatives of disabled children (providing respite and support) young carers, parenting support and even fostering and residential care. Someone can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. It is more important than ever to ensure children feel safe, accepted and included, whatever their additional needs may be. Putting children at the heart of everything they do this important and when this life-changing charity reached out to us for a promotional video we knew right away we wanted to be involved.

The filming process

Action for Children commissioned us to create a short promotional video to attract more short-break carers.  Soundview met with two families who had looked after a number of children, one of which  has taken on a young person full-time. It is important when meeting contributors for the first time to allow them time and space to get used to the camera and lighting. If someone has not been front of camera before, smiles, patience and empathy go a long way.

screen from action for children short breaks video

Using archive footage

Using archive footage not only saves production time and money but is great for the environment too. When digging through our archive coming across films with our own children in, is always a nice surprise. Over the years we have repurposed these clips because they capture the excitement and essence of being young and doing fun activities, which was perfect for the Action for Children film.

screen from action for children short breaks video screen from action for children short breaks video screen from action for children short breaks video


We are really honoured and excited to have been able to create this vital content for Action for Children. We wish them the best of luck in finding more carers and making a real difference to the lives of young, disadvantaged people.

If you are interested in checking out more of our impactful films check out our Youtube channel

Do you have a film idea in mind or want to learn more about our archive footage? Get in touch today!

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