Originally, Soundview began by creating location tours. These allow viewers, whether on a laptop or wearing a VR headset, to look around destinations. It’s an incredible marketing tool: an immersive experience for potential visitors. For example, our Plymouth tour lets the audience visit different parts of the Barbican, Plymouth and hop on a passenger ferry to see Plymouth’s historic Hoe from a new angle.
360 VR wildlife video
But recently we’ve been exploring the potential of VR to experience something a little different. We’ve been capturing all sorts of animals in all sorts of locations. Each 360 VR wildlife video requires a slightly different set up. But the results are amazing! Whether tigers, salt water crocodiles, penguins, meerkats or elephant seals, filming these creatures in 360 VR it means viewers get ‘up close’ to the wildlife (sometimes too close!). Filming these beautiful animals in their natural habitats and seeing them like never before is truly eye-opening.
Tigers, Crocs and 360 VR, Oh My!
We have worked with the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust. Their films enabled viewers to see something they would not normally see because the camera was positioned in the tanks with the animals. These films featured Paignton Zoo’s Fabi the Tiger, Saltwater Crocs and Meerkats as well as the Living Coast Penguins. Our 360 VR camera was everywhere, dangling from poles, floating underwater and right next to some tasty Meerkat treats. The footage showed the lengths the Trust went to for enrichment and to encourage natural behaviour. The films were made for the Scientist Live exhibition in London. There, the VR headset was worn by visitors to their stand. Animal experts from all over the world attend the event and it was a massive success with long queues forming of people wanting to have a go.
South Atlantic Animal Encounters.
More recently, Soundview had the opportunity to travel almost 8,000 miles away from home to the South Atlantic to film penguins and elephant seals in the Falkland Islands! Working on behalf of the Falkland Islands Tourist Board, we captured 360 VR wildlife video of their amazing wildlife. Soon cruise companies will be able to show their customers why they should visit the islands. With films of massive colonies of elephant seals and four types of penguins: Gentoo, Magallenic, Rockhopper and King, who could resist. These films will also be used at expos and events. Travel buyers and potential visitors will see the astonishing animal encounters on offer.
When we first had our 360 VR kit, we could never have imagined what exciting situations we might be setting up in. It’s been a journey of discovery (both metaphorically and literally!) and we’ve loved every minute. Find out more about our 360 VR video here:
Join the queue for our latest 360 VR video | New Scientist Live Event
360 Virtual Reality: Falkland Island Penguins