Sustainable 2025? Our Albert Certified Video Productions.

It's the New Year and if sustainability is your 2025 focus, read here about how Soundview creates carbon neutral Albert certified video productions for clients.
Albert Carbon Neutral LOGO

Albert certification is a carbon reduction programme for film-makers. It supports the screen industry to achieve carbon neutral productions, reducing its environmental impact. Since 2022 Soundview have been creating  Albert certified carbon neutral videos for some of our highest profile clients.

Albert Productions

You may well have seen the Albert footprint logo at the end of television programmes (interestingly, it’s actually named after the square in Eastenders). That footprint logo represents a certificate that has been awarded to the production and recognises that it is carbon neutral. Its a form of  carbon neutral guarantee, as it were.


The team at Soundview are Albert-trained and when our clients commission an Albert certified production, we do everything we can to ensure that the ‘carbon spend’ of the  production is calculated, minimised and any excess offset. The process is closely monitored and once approved, the film receives the certificate, and the logo added to the video.


Carbon offsetting is an essential part of the process because even a zoom meeting creates carbon. Offsetting generally involves us investing in environmental projects on behalf of our clients. Often these projects are those that enable natural carbon capture. This might be through reforestation programmes or, as in our work for Plymouth’s National Marine Park, projects which fittingly protect and restore the coastal ecosystems that are so brilliant at absorbing carbon.


Our journey towards becoming carbon neutral began some years ago and continues, and offering Albert video productions to our clients is just one step towards our vision. We’ve tried to reduce our impact on the planet in as many aspects of our business as we can, from reducing car travel to recycling our waste. Each year we measure our carbon footprint and introduce new initiatives, with the aim that by 2030, we are carbon neutral.

If you are interested in finding out more about our Albert productions, please get in touch 

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