Old Tricks and New Ventures – My Internship with SoundView

Ceri embarked on her internship in February 2024. In her final blog post, she re-visits the experience, reveals some exciting news, and reflects on what she has learned throughout the process.

A Student Intern

I didn’t go to university until I was 21. Three years’ difference between me and the first years fresh out of A-Levels doesn’t seem like such a big gap, but as my university experience has taught me, a lot can happen in three years. As I approach the final few weeks of my university life, a lot of things are coming to their natural end – seeing my friends every day, living in student accommodation, and my internship with Soundview Media.

I left my previous job three years ago to begin my studies, so it had been a long time since I had been in a professional environment. Any awkwardness or difficulty adjusting evaporated in lieu of the friendly and welcoming nature of the team, and frequent trips to the bakery for the all-important cinnamon bun.

What I Gave to Soundview, and What Soundview Gave to Me.

I took up the position of student intern under the guise of writing blog posts, but I’ve been lucky enough to see much more. During my time here I’ve been to conference centers in Exeter, tried VR goggles for the first time, refreshed my memory in Premiere Pro and started working on productions.

I’ve written for media outlets before, but my previous experience has always been expressing my personal opinion, or writing for a target audience similar to myself, such as international students (as I was during the second year of my studies). Working for Soundview has allowed me to experience writing for different audiences – the tone and content of SoundView is far away from the student blog from my Gothenburg days raving about a drag show. Finding the balance between professional and warm and friendly has been more of a challenge than I anticipated, but coming to the end of my internship I can say, I’ve found it!

All’s Well That End’s Well.

The end of my internship with Soundview marks the end of a chapter not just for me but for another Soundview employee: our media manager, Jamie Venter, is moving on to pastures new. In light of her departure, I am pleased to announce that I will be staying a little longer – Soundview have taken me on as a member of the team. I certainly have some big shoes to fill.

Ceri Taylor, Production Assistant at Soundview Media

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