On the Road for Safer Internet Day

Our Plymouth video production team have been on a whistle stop tour of the UK this week, and that's no exaggeration. We've visited schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Despite the miles, it's been a great experience as we've been made welcome wherever we went. All part of the preparations for Safer Internet Day 2020, we captured what young people throughout the country have to say about how to use the internet in a responsible way.
three young children posing with camera equipment in a school classroom setting

Safer Internet Day and Soundview on location.

Safer Internet Day

The footage captured will form the basis of a series of films for Safer Internet Day 2020. This is a day when schools up and down the country consider how to use the internet and technology safely. The videos air on SID TV and are part of an education pack. Safer Internet day is an annual global event, where millions of people join in, in the UK alone. It’s an important day which highlights the positive use of technology and explores the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. This year’s theme is ‘Together for a Better Internet’ and is on February 11th 2020.

Plymouth video production team Soundview filming with Safer Internet Day team.

Filming in Northern Ireland.

Our Tour

The miles we traveled were certainly worth it because everywhere we went, we heard great ideas. Whether in primary schools in Cardiff and Edinburgh or Secondary Schools in Manchester and Belfast, we were blown away by their comments. Our thanks go to the young people and teachers who worked with us to create some cracking video content. And of course to the UK Safer Internet Centre team, some of whom joined us on our tour. It was great working with you again and we are looking forward to starting post production soon.

That's a wrap! Plymouth video production team Soundview finish filming with the Safer Internet Day team.

That’s a wrap!

Find out more at www.soundviewmedia.co.uk

Read about our video production work here and other SID TV work here.

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