Smart Glasses Testing at The Market Hall

The Includiverse team recently invited members of the public to come and test our Smart Glasses at the home of Europe's largest immersive dome.

User Testing

As our Smart Glasses project is in the research and development phase, testing, feedback and implementation are key words for us at this stage. With this in mind, we recently held a free come and try event for the public to have a go with the glasses themselves. Plymouth University lecturer Joel Hodges was on hand for all things technical, and each group had 30 minutes to watch a short film in the immersive dome and give feedback about their experience with the glasses.

The Market Hall  was the venue for the testing, a true gem here in Plymouth. Not least because it’s home to Europe’s largest immersive dome,  also running events throughout the year including, our favourite Digital Plymouth, and home to a cosy café where you can order delicious smoothies on demand. If that wasn’t enough, they have teamed up with the Includiverse as one of our partners!


We are all about inclusion and diversity both in life and in work so it was important that our user testing groups reflected this. We had participants that were non-binary, retired, parents, grandparents and those with English as a second language. As Smart Glasses are designed to democratise content and increase accessibility to big screen entertainment, it was really important for us to have feedback from those with lived experience of neurodivergence and hearing loss.

We Want You!

The user testing event was a resounding success and provided invaluable feedback. Watch our latest video and you might see a familiar face or two! More testing events will be coming up in 2025 watch this space for details.

Find out more about our Smart Glasses on the Includiverse website

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