The Includiverse Team Together

The Includiverse team came together to visit Plymouth's two Immersive Domes at the University and Market Hall in Plymouth. We tried out the latest version of our Inclusive Immersive Smart Glasses innovation.

The Team Tour: First Stop, Plymouth University

All of the Includiverse team were together for the first time for a tour of  Plymouth’s cutting edge immersive facilities. The Includiverse team includes Joel Hodges who started the tour at The University of Plymouth. Joel lecturers at the University, so was well placed to show us around. We were also thrilled to be joined by AREA founder and augmented reality consultant Mark Sage, who we normally only see via Zoom and who supports the Includiverse team.

Ceri, Joel, and Mark meet test model Bob

Another team member Ceri, is University of Plymouth alumni, so thought she would be on familiar territory, but even she was surprised by the level of immersive technology at the Uni. The tour included a visit to its immersive media lab where we met Bob (pictured above). This was followed by a chance to try out our Smart Glasses at its Immersive Vision Theatre (IVT).

The IVT is a 41 capacity fixed seating immersive dome. It’s venues like these where our Smart Glasses will make screenings more accessible. By projecting subtitles into the wearers field of vision, it eliminates the need to look at a fixed point in order to see captions, ensuring a fully immersive experience for all.


Lizzy, Ceri and Mark wearing the Includiverse Smart Glasses at the Immersive Vision Theatre.

Final stop: The Market Hall, Devonport

The next immersive dome we visited (and Europe’s largest) was at the  Market Hall in Devonport. The Market Hall is run by Real Ideas Organisation and and we were thrilled to have CEO Lindsay Hall join us. Lindsey, like Mark, provides support to the project, and both are invaluable members of our steering team.

Lindsay demonstrated the incredible capabilities of the Market Hall. The 360 dome regularly shows film content to the public, some of whom will benefit from using our Smart Glasses. The innovation is an access aid for Deaf people and those with hearing loss, which can also be used by people who with neuro-diversity or whose first language is not English.

It was great for the Includiverse team to come together, and try out our Smart Glasses in Plymouth’s  amazing immersive spaces. Let’s hope we can do it again soon.

Find out more about our Smart Glasses

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