Visit Dorset Promote their Great Local Food

How to promote food and drink in Dorset? Ask the people who make it...
closeup of dead fish faces

When making a short promotional film, its always best to get straight to the heart of the matter. So we knew where to go when we were asked to create a video to promote Dorset ‘s food and drink: to the people who make it. Our latest video for Visit Dorset features the makers of Dorset’s finest produce. We visited vineyards & breweries, fisheries and markets.  Everyone we interviewed was passionate about what they do and how great it tastes. And rightly so.

World class offering

Our Visit Dorset video production showcases the county as a world class tourist destination. It’s an amazing looking area that has so much to offer visitors, including excellent restaurants. In our video, as well as the suppliers of all that great food, we interview chef and restaurateur Mark Hix.  He describes what’s so great about the food on offer and what makes Dorset special. Captured at his Food Rocks Festival in Lyme Regis,  he recalls growing up in the county. We also see him cooking up a storm at the event alongside other chefs from the local area.

Visit Foodie Dorset Promotional video South West. Chef's showcasing their talent with local produce.

Chef’s showcasing their talent with local produce.

Visit Dorset video production with Rural Dorset

This video sits alongside our ‘Rural Dorset’ video, which features some of the fantastic activities awaiting visitors. Both videos are on the Visit Dorset website. Read all about making the Rural Dorset video here.

Great food in the South West

England’s Seafood Coast “How to” video | With Seafood Ambassador Mitch Tonk

Video Marketing the Best of the South West.

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